Mental Health Resources
This work is hard.
This page has resources to support you.
We know that engaging with this content is emotionally taxing. No matter how you are interacting with the Girl House (reading submissions on our website, crafting your own story, preparing to visit our instillation or prompted to remember a past experience) we hope these resources can support you and provide additional ways to engage with mental health professionals and resources within the community.
Counseling and Advocacy Services
Local COunseling & Education
LGBTQ Resources
-Advocacy organization for LGBTGEQIAP+ persons within the counseling profession- Their database is a sound resource for connecting with local queer counselors
National Resource Center
-Education and support services for survivors, friends and families of survivors, advocates and educators.
-Assists with locating local therapy, legal services and recovery professionals
-Great resource for publication access, education tools and a diverse library of information regarding sexual assault prevention legal serveices, healing, communication and support.
Servicios en español
Resilience/ Los Defensores de Victimas de Violencia
-Centro nacional que ofrece servicios en español
-Brindan servicios legales, recursos educativos y ayudan a desarrollar relaciones con terapeutas y otros profesionales de la salud mental
-Información publicitaria sobre el acoso y la agresión sexual en el lugar de trabajo
Resources for Black Girls
national queer and trans therapists of color network
-Healing and justice resources for QTPOC
-Mental health professional database